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Version: 1.7

How do I move items before or behind other items?

If two items in your drawing overlap, one will be visible on top of the other. By default, the one added last.

How do I bring items to the top?

Figure 1: Bring to Front button

In the selection panel, there is a Bring to Front button, shown in Figure 1.

Figure 2: The selected item is behind the others.

Figure 2 displays an example where the selected item is behind the others. Press the Bring to Front button to place it on the top, as in Figure 3.

Figure 3: The selected item is now on top.

How do I send items to the back?

Figure 4: Send to Back button

In the selection panel, there is a Send to Back button, shown in Figure 4.

Figure 5: The selected item is above the blue item.

Figure 5 shows a situation where the selected item is above another item. Figure 6 shows the result after pressing the Send to back button. The selected item is now behind all the other items.

Figure 6: The selected item is now behind all items.