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· One min read
Johan Berling

The App Store is a fiercely competitive place. Mindsketch has not managed to gain traction. It's a shame, I think it is very powerful but I have not found out how to communicate what it can be used for.

It has a small feature set. I would say it's focused, trying to make one thing well: allowing huge drawings that assist your mind. However, I've learned that many users find it limiting. For example, though huge, the canvas is not infinite.

Today I've decided to make Mindsketch free. I've started working on a successor and plan to keep Mindsketch available until the successor hits the market.

Unfortunately, it's not available in the EU for now.

· One min read
Johan Berling

Mindsketch has been available on the App Store for about a year as Zoom World. Originally, Zoom World was just a working name. It got stuck until I could come up with something better.

I have also changed the app icon and created a new tool-centric UI.

During the last few years, I have focused on building the machine. I think there is a foundation in place now that can support the primary use case sufficiently well – massive freeform mind maps.

What will happen now is not set in stone. The project can move in many directions. We want your input. Please suggest new features and help us prioritize!